시사 및 경제 뉴스/해외

9월 FOMC 의사록 공개

kauni_ste 2016. 10. 13. 08:46

Fed Officials Plan to Increase Rates ‘Relatively Soon’

The Federal Reserve Building in Washington

WASH­ING­TON—Fed­eral Re­serve of­fi­cials meet­ing in Sep­tember laid the ground-work to raise short-term in­ter­est rates “rel­a­tively soon,” ac­cord­ing to min­utes, al­though they strug­gled to rec­on­cile in­ter­nal di­vi­sions over the tim­ing of the next rate move.

“Some par­tic­i­pants be­lieved that it would be ap­pro­pri­ate to raise the tar­get range for the fed­eral funds rate rel­a­tively soon if the la­bor mar­ket con­tin­ued to im­prove and eco­nomic ac­tiv­ity strength­ened, while some oth­ers pre­ferred to wait for more con­vinc­ing ev­i­dence that in­fla­tion was mov­ing to­ward the Com­mit­tee’s 2% ob­jec­tive,” the Fed said in min­utes of the Sept. 20-21 meet­ing, re­leased Wednes­day on the usual three-week lag. (중략)

9월 FOMC 의사록이 공개되었습니다. 크게 우려할만한 내용은 없었습니다. 요약해보면..
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출처: Fed Officials Plan to Increase Rates ‘Relatively Soon’ http://www.wsj.com/articles/fed-minutes-show-officials-expect-to-raise-rates-relatively-soon-1476295562
