English Conditionals
하나씩 보면 쉬운데.. 실제 사용하려면 너무 헤깔리는..
1. Zero Conditional - If + Present Simple, Present Simple.
ex) If you heat water at 100 degrees, it boils.
Use: To talk about thins that are always true, like a scientific fact
2. First Conditional - If + Present Simple, Simple Future.
ex) If it's sunny, we'll go to tha park.
Use: To talk about possibilities in the present or in the future
3. Second Conditional - If + Past Simple, Present Conditional.
ex) If I won a million dollars, I would buy a new car.
Use: Imaginary situations in the present or future
4. Third Conditional - If + Past Perfect, Perfect Conditional.
ex) If the weather had been good, we would have gone water-skiing.
Use: Imagin situations in the past
5. Mixed 1 Conditional - If + Past Perfect, Present Conditional.
ex) If I had listend to your advice, I wouldn't be in the mess.
Use: Present result of a past condition
6. Mixed 2 Conditional - If + Past Simple, Perfect Conditional.
ex) If I were a good cook, I would have invited them to dinner.
Use: Past result of a present or continuing condition
※ Note
Present Conditional: would/wouldn't + V(bare form)
Perfect Conditional: would/wouldn't + have + Past Participle
출처: ESL.com